
Challenge: Make your own Natal demo video, get yourself on The Engadget Show

We hope by now you've seen the video of Microsoft's Kudo Tsunoda demoing the latest software to undergo the Project Natal treatment -- Beautiful Katamari and Space Invaders Extreme. If you haven't, you really should, because there's nothing quite like seeing a man gesticulate wildly for seemingly no reason. In that post, a commenter of ours -- aardWolf -- made the genius suggestion that people do their own "demo" videos of Project Natal. We think that's a grand, grand idea... and we're going one better. If you make those videos, we'll put them together in a segment for The Engadget Show. Here's what we want from you, the reader:

  • Film yourself "playing" a game "with" Project Natal

  • Upload the video to YouTube, Viddler, or the video site of your choice tagged with "engadget natal contest" (with quotes, at least on Viddler), and specify exactly what game you're playing. Feel free to give details.

  • Email us at engadgetshow [at] engadget [dot] com with "natal video" in the subject, as well as the link and any pertinent info you'd like to provide (or you can just leave a link in comments)

  • Lather, rinse, repeat

Once we get some good entries, we'll cut the whole shebang together in a segment for The Engadget Show (provided you guys aren't super boring or something -- though we don't think that will be an issue). It goes without saying that by submitting a video you're granting us the rights to use it on the Show and in any Show promotional materials we might produce. Don't worry, we won't sell you into slavery or anything. Probably. In case your memory is super bad, we've included the clip of Kudo after the break.

See more video at our hub!