
The Daily Grind: Happy Halloween!

While not everyone in the world celebrates it, today is Halloween for many of us! Time for tricks and treats, spooks and silliness. It's also a fantastic time to catch up on the holiday events in our favorite games. From going after the Sinister Squashling in World of Warcraft (again) to smacking down hordes of the Infected in Fallen Earth, there's tons and tons of content to be had for the holiday.

This morning, we thought we'd ask you what Halloween event you liked the most - and which have you come to hate? Personally, I loved Trick-or-Treating in City of Heroes, racing up and down the street triggering doors, pounding bad guys with friends, and trying to land all the temporary costumes. The one that drove me nuts was trying to get the aforementioned Squashling in World of Warcraft, as the drop never seemed to happen when I was around. (I did dig the broom mount, though.) Let's hear from you on which you thought were best and worst! Drop your tricks and treats in MMO merriment into our commenty space below!