
Exclusive: International community members will get the Sentinel's Fate headstart after all

With only a month to go before the release of the newest EverQuest II expansion, Sentinel's Fate, many members of the international community were up in arms in the forums over the expansion's pre-order bonuses. Why? Because only the boxed editions of Sentinel's Fate were eligible for the exclusive one week headstart to the expansion.

In order to give retail distributors incentive to carry the boxed version of the game, Sony Online Entertainment made the decision to only provide the head-start access to those who picked up the physical box from retail distributors, while the digital download version of the game would not offer the seven day access and would be available for purchase only when the expansion was officially "live" on February 23rd. Problems began to arise when international community members noticed that they could either not import the game from the US, or importing would take too much time and cost them almost double of what the expansion was worth.

After contacting SOE for a statement on this situation after the many tips we've received from the EQII community, the company has revealed to us that there is now a plan in place for international community members to participate in the retail headstart via a digital download system. Follow after the break to view SOE's plan to get Sentinel's Fate into the hands of their international members.

International community members will be treated to a special digital download version of the game that will be made available for them on February 16th, giving them the same 7 day head start as the US retail versions. These editions of the game will be made available through two to three international digital distributors and will be IP locked to make sure that only international buyers can take advantage of this offer.

SOE, however, will continue to try to improve their international retail distribution by seeking new partners, and if one should be found then the international community will be immediately notified of the change. However, digital distribution is the current way that SOE will be fixing the problem and making sure that the international community can join in on the seven day headstart.

SOE is also not ready to reveal which digital distributors will be carrying the game, but will notify once the agreements are finalized early next week.

SOE's full company statement is as follows:

"SOE is in partnering up with two-to-three international digital distributors to provide the early access EverQuest II Sentinels' Fate all-in-one expansion pack on 2.16.10. SOE is uncertain about its international retail distribution and in an effort to ensure the global community has access to the game without unfair neglect, the digital download expansion will be available one week before North America. The US market will continue to support its domestic retail and collector's edition programs. In the event an international retail distribution program begins, the community will be notified, however players should rely on digital distribution. The digital downloads will be IP locked so that only the international community can take advantage of this."

[Thanks to everyone from the EQII community who sent us tips about this! We weren't disregarding them, but following up with SOE on this story. We appreciate all of your help!]