
Crackdown 2 producer: 'Expect a demo' before release

Crackdown 2 producer James Cope doesn't want you to have any doubt in your mind that a demo is headed to Xbox Live before the game's release, telling IGN UK in an interview, "You can definitely expect a demo to hit Live before the game is out." While we know the game's set to release in the "first half of 2010," Cope wouldn't get any more specific about the release date.

Cope, however, did explain the revamped orb collection system (which adds "new types of Orbs for Agility and Driving skills") and admitted that "the Agency has finally discovered the power of flight." More specifically, he's referring to helicopters, the armored vehicles that will aid you in your destruction clean-up campaign across Pacific City -- and something criminally absent from the first Crackdown. For a handful of more granular details about the upcoming city-jumping sim sequel, peep the rest of the source interview.