
It's Wednesday, time for another TUAW TV Live broadcast at 5 PM ET

Not only is it Wednesday, but it's just one week -- seven short days -- until Apple announces something. We don't know what the announcement is all about, but we know where and when it will happen.

So, while we bounce off the walls in fanboy anticipation, you can burn off some of that excess energy by joining your host Steve Sande for what is becoming a Wednesday tradition: TUAW TV Live.

It's free, it's fun, and it's live! All you need to do is come back here to TUAW at about 5 PM ET (2 PM PT) and there will be a special post with information about watching or participating in the show. We use Ustream to do our live broadcast, and you can watch existing episodes of the show at

Some of today's scheduled topics:

  • When an app shouldn't be an app

  • Original Mac marketing videos

  • A quick app review or two

  • Michael Grothaus' second article on what you want in iPhone OS 4.0

  • Upcoming announcements on Monday (financial) and Wednesday

And of course, any topic you bring up in the live chat is fair game as well. See you this afternoon!