
Microsoft teases Capcom 'premiere' for Xbox 360

According to the front page of the Japanese Xbox site, Capcom and Microsoft are going to reveal a "title premiere" for the 360 on January 26. That "title premiere" could, of course, refer to a new game announcement, or it could refer to the release of new details about a known title, like the yet-to-be-dated Lost Planet 2, Dead Rising 2 or even Super Street Fighter IV.

However, the "Capcom X Microsoft" wording suggests a project that is a bit more collaborative than, say, a release date for a multiplatform product, so it's possible we're waiting on a new Xbox-exclusive. In any case, it's easy enough to determine what this premiere is all about using the "just wait until January 26" method. That's next Tuesday, by the way.

[Via Andriasang]