
WoW Insider Show Episode 126: Finally, he's gone

The WoW Insider Show podcast returned on Saturday, bringing with it your suspiciously-Italian-host-and-co-host team, Sacco and Rossi, along with's own rogue (and now holy paladin!) columnist Chase Christian. We talked about keeping raid and pug habits separate, updating the game's character models, and other topics, as well as answering your emails.

If you're wondering why this download is available so late in the week, well, we're wondering that too. It's probably for the same reason that I keep getting lost to the aether during the podcast call. We're streamlining the process of getting the podcast everywhere it needs to go, though, so starting this week it should be available every Monday on the dot.

As always, you can email to have your email answered on the air, and if you have any guests you'd like to see on the show (or you'd like to be a guest yourself!) you can get a hold of us the same way.

Surprise! Editor's note: Don't worry, we'll have more of the GaGa for you next week!

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