
One Shots: One of these things is not like the others

Just when we thought we'd seen it all, it would appear that Aika has added an interesting animal into their beta mix. But these aren't your slide-on-their-belly Happy Feet kind of penguins. No, it would seem that this penguin has a lust for battle and glory. At least, one might certainly think that when looking at the stout fellow in the screenshot above!

Today's Aika beta screenshot was sent in to us by Jacob J, who writes in: [Here's a] fun vanity shot. I like the dramatic lighting -- and the graphics really aren't all that bad for a F2P. I have no idea if they can actually manage PvP on the massive scale they're boasting (1000 players plus), but I'd like to see them try. Yes, that's an adorable little penguin-man with a skull on his head.

Have you spotted something in your favorite MMO that made you stop and stare? Well, why not grab a screenshot of it and send it our way! Our One Shots mailbox can be reached at oneshots AT massively DOT com -- be sure to include your name, the name of the game, and a description too. We'll get it set up and post it out here for everyone to enjoy, thanks to you.