
EverQuest II releases Battlegrounds video

Battlegrounds have arrived on the EverQuest II Test and Test-Copy servers, and Sony Online Entertainment invited players to log in and give them a try.

The new Battlegrounds feature is set to arrive in game on February 16th, and Sony Online Entertainment released a new video today giving an overview for those who haven't checked it out for themselves yet. Cross-server play is available on the three different maps, with up to 48 players able to participate in a match, so finding a battle should not be a problem.

During testing, the SOE team is even getting in on the act: "several members of the SOE staff will be available for match-ups on Thursday, February 11th from 4 until 6pm PST." If you win, you'll receive a special in-game title. Players that win regular matches during testing will receive a battlegrounds cloak.

If you want a closer look before logging in, EverQuest II has released a brand new Battlegrounds video. Follow along after the jump to take a look, and good luck in battle!