
One Shots: Oops, sorry

One of the things that we love in superhero MMOs like Champions Online is the sheer creativity that people employ in coming up with their costumes. We know we spend hours stuck in the character creator. Then, just when you think you've got a great looking costume; someone whips by in some combination that will either elicit envy -- or baffled amusement. Today, we have a Champions Online screenshot that apparently edged more towards the amused side of things (although we're not entirely certain why) from CorayThan. He writes in to tell us more about it:

I met Cylon-Man (a.k.a. Flame Runner) while running around killing irradiated humans. I thought his costume was so hilarious I just had to do a photo shoot! I chased him for about 5 minutes taking all the screen shots I could. Then, in the middle of my screen-shot UI-less frenzy, I saw him yell, "help!" He'd pulled about 6 mobs at once. Sadly for him, they got revenge for their fallen comrade before I could put my UI back up and help him out. He thought it was pretty funny when I apologized for letting him die because I was too busy taking screen shots.

One Shots is all about what you're doing as players, but we can't post your screenshots if you don't send them in! All you have to do to take part is to email them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what's in the screenshot. We'll post it out here, and give you the credit.