
The Daily Grind: What location is vital to the game?

When you play a game for any length of time, you get used to where things are. World of Warcraft players can navigate by the Stormwind Cathedral or the Orgrimmar Bank, Final Fantasy XI players can set their sights on the crags or Delkfutt's Tower. But sometimes, as has recently happened in Everquest II, there's a significant loss to those important locations.

Something disappears, something is destroyed or moved or otherwise lost, and the entire game world feels a bit smaller for the loss. And even though part of you knows they're just backdrops, even if you don't give the slightest whit about the game's setting, you can't help but feel a bit smaller for what's been lost.

The entire premise of the upcoming World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is the idea that the locations you're familiar with can be changed irrevocably, and that it's a significant event when it takes place. What part of your favorite game do you think is iconic and necessary for the feel and setting of the game world? Is it one of the more common points of congregation for low-level characters, a high-level haunt, or just a familiar and cherished region?