
One Shots: In over your head

If you've been around Massively for any length of time, you'll know we love to hook our readers up with beta keys. Aside from the glow of knowing we've netted people some free fun, we occasionally get readers who send in their screenshots to One Shots, so we all get to check out some different views of the world.

Today's screenshot from Aika, gPotato's PvP-centric free-to-play game, is just one such example. It comes to us from Massively reader Cainineteeth, who writes in: I love you guys for getting the beta keys. For not reading the quest log and running through a massive void with monsters way over my level, I was rewarded with this. Hopefully you didn't land an enormous repair bill and a quick trip to the nearest respawn point too!

We love to see what players are enjoying, but we can't do that unless you send your screenshots in to us. It's easy to do! Just email them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a quick description. We'll post it out here and give you the nod for sending it in.