
Look inside Borderlands' Secret Armory of General Knoxx

go ahead, click on this guy to enlarge. he's perfectly harmless

The borderlands, they're a-gettin' bigger. More specifically, Borderlands is expanding yet again with its third DLC pack, The Secret Armory of General Knoxx, which Gearbox says was created based on player feedback (i.e. development began after the game's release). Today we get a better look at what it'll offer up, including mechs, skagg riders and really gnarly enemies bristling with grafted-on weaponry. New vehicles are also in the works, including a four-seater tank that gives each co-op party member something to do. 2K and Gearbox still haven't announced a release date or pricing for the expansion, but we'll let you know those details as soon as we do.