
Black Prophecy gets publisher, decides on pricing

One of the titles we've been watching for with bated breath here at Massively has been Reakktor Media's futuristic space MMO Black Prophecy. While they've been working hard on the game after getting past a funding snag, they've also been seeking a distribution partner to assist in getting the game to all of us -- until now.

The good news is that not only has Reakktor teamed up with Gamigo to distribute Black Prophecy globally, but also that the game is being released as a free-to-play title. That's right, all the luscious graphics, space combat, and more will be available for just the cost of some time and a download! (Of course, let's be honest -- we'll probably spend a small fortune making our ships look cool.)

Congrats to Reakktor and Gamigo on a smart partnership. Hopefully with this news, and an experienced distribution partner, we'll see some Black Prophecy beta goodness coming soon.