
Breakfast Topic: I will destroy you

(With apologies to anyone who played Mass Effect or who brings Jack along in ME2.)

More and more lately I use the dungeon finder as a pure stress release. I don't sign up to tank: we seem to have hit a decent steady state on Stormstrike where a queue rarely lasts more than 10 minutes for DPS, so it's safe for me to let someone else tank and play around with DPS ideas. It's actually to the point where I'm looking forward to seeing exactly what kind of group I'll get on any particular run. One run was myself as DPS, a warrior tank, two more warrior DPS and a very confused ret paladin who'd accidentally queued as a healer. A brief discussion and we decided to see if he could heal the group with Art of War procs. Turned out he could. Quite frankly, that was the fastest CoT run I've ever had, with two furies, a prot and an arms warrior plus a ret paladin doing our level best to play combine harvester with the undead hordes.

With the new Battleground Finder on its way, I'm wondering if this will be an experience I get to have in PvP as well. Except now I'll be able to get my stress relief on by defending a flag while everyone else fights on the road, I guess. Will you be lured back to the BG's to crush faces, or have you already been there all along?