
One Shots: Oops, left my dark armor at home

We have to admit, the combination in this screenshot was pretty amusing to us. First, there are all the muscular men in their black and silver armor, all ready to go. Then you have the waifish girl in her bright pastels. Thankfully, at least it's not a metal bikini.

This image is from the recent closed beta of Aika, and comes to us from Jacob J. who writes in to explain the scene to us: "It's always exciting when a band of adventurers joins forces for the first time at an entrance to a new dungeon. What thrilling mysteries and legendary treasures lay ahead? I'll never know -- my pickup group wiped on the first pull and then my game crashed on run #2." Oh, the fun of beta.

Are you taking part in a beta that you'd like to show off? So long as the NDA is down on the game you're playing, we'd be glad to post your screenshots. Just email those over to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a brief description. We'll post it and give you the credit.