
One Shots: Always lovely in LotRO

Oh, lovely Springtime! With sunny days and balmy nights, what's not to love. That is, unless, you're stuck in a place where there is no lovely weather to enjoy. In those cases, you can rely on a game like Lord of the Rings Online to give you beautiful, sunny vistas to enjoy adventuring in when the real weather isn't quite as nice.

Today's glorious Lord of the Rings Online One Shots comes to us from Diavir, who is new in the lands of Middle-earth. He found a lovely view while out wandering the world, and sent it to us, noting: "I just recently bought Lord of the Rings Online and I've been leveling in Evendim. I can't get over how good this game looks. It's amazing how well they have translated the franchise into a great MMO."

Are you checking out a game for the first time recently? From old to new, we love to see (and read about) what you're doing! Just email your images to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. (Guild, server, or other information like that is welcome too.) Please make sure it's at least 1024px wide, and please turn off the game UI. We'll post it out here and give you the credit!