
Mega64: Indie Man is a source of hope for indie devs

There aren't many who stand tall and, against all odds, crusade for truth and righteousness in video gaming. That job is best left in the capable hands of Indie Man, the latest concoction of super-squad Mega64. In an attempt to help struggling indie developers battle against the bigger, well-financed studios, he intervenes when it seems all hope is lost and sabotages the big studios in the name of indie justice. It's darkest just before dawn, and all of that.

And, in the spirit of his unending generosity, the Joystiq staff has compiled its own list of scenarios where Indie Man's unique skillset could help benefit the smaller fish in the industry pond. Check 'em out right after the video past the break.

Other undocumented sabotages performed by Indie Man:

  • "More Sonic!"

  • "Make all the voice actors French!"

  • "Remove exploration -- which the Final Fantasy series is known for -- and turn every area into a corridor crawl. Also, make the tutorial eight hours long."

  • "There's, like, a Civil War and stuff -- so it completely justifies a tacked-on multiplayer component!"

  • "Make his bionic arm actually be his missing wife!"

  • "Put your game on the Wii and make it rated M for mature."

  • "Make Sonic turn into a big, ugly Werehog thing at night! And make his arms stretchy!"

  • "Require your PC games to have a constant connection to the internet and make it lose all progress once there's even a slight sign of a hiccup in the connection!"

  • "Dante's Inferno!"

  • "More Sonic friends!"

  • "Release your under-promoted JPRG on the same day as Final Fantasy XIII!"

  • "Make a new Silent Hill for the Wii. And don't market it. At all."