
One Shots: Rats

While most of the huge battles we hear about in low and null-sec space in EVE Online are player-versus-player, there are still skirmishes with NPCs in the game to be had. While they may not be the most epic battles, they aren't too bad when it comes to gathering up some ISK. Today's EVE Online One Shots from Andrew gives us a bit more information on it: "In an asteroid belt deep in the far reaches of null-sec space, a Heavy Assault Ship engages pirates belonging to the Angel Cartel. This kind of pirate hunting (called "ratting") is a major source of income for many residents of null-sec."

From the large-scale battles to the everyday missions, we love to show off things players are doing -- but we need you to send your screenshots in! Just email them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a quick description. Please make sure the image is at least 1024px across and has no visible UI. We'll post them out here and give you the credit. Couldn't be easier!