
Ovi Store warmed over with fresh look, new features

Nokia's Ovi Store got a little more awesome this week thanks to a makeover that brought a handful of minor changes -- nothing Earth-shattering by any stretch, but in this app-centric mobile world we're now an inseparable part of, we figure that every little bit helps. Actually, they've made changes both to the mobile and desktop clients, with the mobile side focusing on better and easier access to details about apps that you're looking at buying; they've also switched from a three-star rating system to five stars based on user feedback. On the desktop side, you've now got a list-based view of search results, and you're more aggressively asked to select your device to make sure you're not seeing any content that your particular device can't use. The updated Store is available immediately, so enjoy -- and go buy a few bubble level apps, why don't you?