
Phat Loot Phriday: Ramaladni's Blade of Culling

This axe of sweet skull-face love drops early in Icecrown Citadel (10-man) as a prize from the defeat of Saurfang. Ramaladni's Blade of Culling has a couple noteworthy things. First, the weapon is named from this legendary bit of warrior history called Indalamar Warrior Power. The legend of Indalamar has it that many of the earlier warrior nerfs were because of this player.

Second, Ramaladni's axe sports two blue sockets, making it a singularly excellent death knight tanking weapon. While any DPS class who uses two-handed weapons will appreciate the axe, it's relatively rare to find this much blue gem opportunity on a weapon. The expertise on the weapon also recommends it for tanking, which tends to be a fairly valuable stat for death knight tanks. (Really, any melee, sure, sure, but I'm making a death knight argument here.)

Name: Ramaladni's Blade of Culling
Type: Two-Hand Axe
Damage: 748 - 1123 Damage, 267.3 damage per second
Speed: 3.50

  • 148 Strength

  • 164 Stamina

  • 2 Blue Sockets

  • Socket Bonus: +6 Strength

  • Increases your expertise rating by 91 (11.1 @ L80)

  • Increases your armor penetration rating by 83 (5.93% @ L80)

How to get it: You only need nine friends to free Deathbringer Saurfang.

How to get rid of it: It sells for 31 gold or can become an Abyss Crystal.
