
Upcoming WoW manga releases

Two new releases are coming from Tokyopop's Warcraft manga line. Both will be written by Richard A. Knaak, touching upon subject matter he's dealt with before in licenses Warcraft releases. The first is Warcraft: Mage, another class-specific WoW book (following on the heels of the successful Death Knight manga). It certainly looks like Rhonin's on the cover there, although the story purports to be about "a young mage who faces his greatest challenge when he is forced to confront a foe only he can stop." Presumably Rhonin gets to be the Yoda this time.

Also coming out is Shadow Wing, volume 1, titled The Dragons of Outland. It's about the dragons of Outland. It's also about Tyragosa and Jorad Mace following the events of the Sunwell Trilogy, how they ended up in Outland giving folks quests in Netherstorm, and how Malygos got his groove back.