
One Shots: A beautiful day for a flight

While we may not often see the lush landscapes of Vanguard here, they stand waiting for those who are interested in checking out this scenic world. That's why we're glad to hear from the occasional adventurer who wanders into Vanguard -- and other off-the-beaten-path MMOs like it. Today, we have a great One Shots that comes to us from the intrepid wanderer, Vendayn, who sends us reports on his travels from time to time. He writes:

"Hello from Vendayn. I re-subscribed to Vanguard: Saga of Heroes recently and was amazed at how good the graphics still are. By removing fog in-game, you get an amazing view of the land like you can see in the screenshot. This was taken on Isle of Dawn, while I was doing the Pegasus scouting quest."

If you're playing an MMO that doesn't often get love here on Massively, why don't you grab a screenshot of life in that game and tell us all about it! All MMOs are welcome, from big to small. Just email them in to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post them out here for everyone to look at, and give you the credit for sending it in.