
One Shots: Let the sun shine

When it comes to ridiculously cute character races, we have to admit that the Gibberlings from Allods Online are right up there on our list. As opposed to just getting one character, you get a gaggle of three Gibberlings that you get to customize and name, then start your adventure with.

Today's One Shots shows off one such gaggle, sent in to us by Daire, who writes: "I caught this screen just after coming out of the void from the first allod in Allods Online. The true beauty of the moment can't really be given justice just by the screenshot, as the music really gave it feeling. The void gave way to the sunrise of my new adventure in Allods, & with my older brother and younger sister by my side, I felt ready to earn my place in Gibberling society."

Have you had a moment in an MMO you've been playing that takes your breath away? If so, we'd love to see a screenshot of it. Email it in to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a brief description. Please make sure it's at least 1024 pixels across and has as few visible UI elements as possible. It might wind up as one of the next featured One Shots here on Massively!