
Pick up Mirkwood on the cheap today

With the 3rd anniversary of Lord of the Rings Online rolling along and a new connection between Turbine and Warner Bros ensuring no shortage of operating funds, it seems like it might be a little strange to find Lord of the Rings Online's newest expansion Siege of Mirkwood being offered on deals.woot today. That said, it's there nonetheless, and for those who may have been holding off on picking it up until the price dropped, there's no time like the present!

The deal offers everyone a chance to pick up the Siege of Mirkwood Complete Edition, which includes the core game, Mines of Moria, and Mirkwood as well as 30 days of free game time for the incredibly low price of $9.99. Now, with that said, this is for the US version run by Turbine, and is strictly digital download only. However, for $10 you really can't beat it -- especially if you've never played before or haven't touched the game since launch, but have been thinking about picking it up recently.

And hey, if you're new to the lands of Middle-earth, be sure to check out our handy information on how to get started in skirmishes, skirmish rewards, or Justin's excellent on-going column chock-full of LotRO tips, tricks and more -- The Road to Mordor!