
Steve Jobs to appear at All Things Digital 8

Kara Swisher announced this week that Apple CEO Steve Jobs will appear on stage at this year's All Things Digital Conference, D8. In fact, Steve will kick things off with an on-stage interview on opening night. Other famous guests will include James Cameron and Steve Ballmer.

As Swisher notes, there's much to talk about: The iPad, the iPhone's future, Apple's tense relationship with Google and wonders if the Gizmodo affair will be discussed.

Steve has appeared at the All Things D conference several times, most famously aside Bill Gates for an on-stage interview in 2007. It was a great interview, complete with Bill's revelation that he is not Fake Steve Jobs (this was before Daniel Lyons had been revealed).

Good luck to all participants and attendees. It should be a great event.

[Via Mac User]