
The Daily Grind: Single-game conventions, or multi-title meccas?

When it comes to gaming conventions, the options for MMO players seem to get bigger every year. (Not that we're complaining, mind you!) You can get a taste of the MMO world within a bigger convention like PAX or the MMO track at Dragon*Con. Alternately, fans of a particular game or company have more and more choices to check out -- EVE FanFest; BlizzCon, SOE's Fan Faire, and now Jagex's RuneFest. Add to that the LFG Expo, which promises to give us more MMOs in one space than we've seen before, and you can see where a gamer might not know which to pick!

But with all the myriad choices opening up to us, we wondered this morning just how you like MMOs in your conventions? Are you more inclined to hit company-specific MMO conventions, so you can immerse yourself in a particular game (or series of games)? Do you prefer the large conventions where Mario and Magic: The Gathering fans mingle with murlocs? Or are you chomping at the bit for a convention like L4G, which should give players a huge choice of MMO diversity under one roof?