
WoW Insider Show Episode 139: Werewolves of WoW

Every week, we present you with the WoW Insider Show podcast -- an hour's worth of WoW community discussion, covering everything from the week's top stories here on to emails from our readers to what's been going on with our particular characters in Azeroth.

Along with your hosts, Senior Editor Michael Sacco and Contributing Editor Matthew Rossi, we also feature rotating guest hosts, whether regular contributors or personalities from other sites.

Want to have your question answered on the air? Email!

Edit: There was a small technical error that was corrected -- the podcast is once again appearing on iTunes.

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Today's show features:

  • Guest hosts: Enhancement shaman columnist Rich Maloy and Addon/UI columnist Mat McCurley. Matt Rossi couldn't be with us this week but makes his triumphant return for the next show.

  • Top stories:

  • Reader emails:

    • I've been away from the game for a year -- what's changed?

    • Do you think Blizzard will offer new customization options as microtransactions?

    • How can I build a stable raiding guild?

    • Where the heck are the other Old Gods?

  • And more!

Listen here on the page: