
Capcom working on Facebook game, could be out by next March

From what we hear, the kids are all abuzz about something called "The Facebook" these days. Japanese game publisher Capcom is jumping on board the popular social network, with president Haruhiro Tsujimoto revealing in a recent interview with BusinessWeek that a new game could be ready before the end of the fiscal year (ending March 31, 2011).

"Gaming on social networks is poised to impact the traditional video game industry and is a presence that cannot be ignored. We have to make our move," he said. Presumably, Tsujimoto and Capcom want a low-investment moneymaker on Facebook to help bolster the coming year's sales over last year's "sluggish" earnings. For our part, we're hoping for a Resident Evil-based, free-to-play management sim. Who isn't?

[Via WhatTheyPlay]