
Is this the Samsung Acclaim for US Cellular? (update: we're pretty sure it is)

So regional carrier US Cellular dropped the bomb this week that it had scored an exclusive on a fresh Android handset from Samsung coined the R880 Acclaim, but unfortunately, it failed to actually show us the thing. We've just gotten a tip alleging that the handset you're looking at here is the Acclaim, and we'd say there's a good chance it's real -- we know it's got a QWERTY keyboard, for instance, paired to a 3.2-inch HVGA display. Unfortunately, prospective buyers are waiting until July for a release, but tell us: does this shot give you hope that the phone's going to rock, or does it break your spirit into a million jaded pieces?

[Thanks, anonymous tipster]

Update: Alright, we've gotten more evidence that leads us to believe that this is almost certainly the Acclaim. Our doubt meter is hovering near zero on this one.