
Official WoW Magazine forums on Wowhead

Wowhead is hosting the World of Warcraft Official Magazine forums. This is now the place to go to ask questions about the quarterly, subscription-only, no-ad magazine. Skaarjonic aka Andy Salisbury, one of the magazine's editors, makes clear in the intro post that they are not Blizzard and will not be revealing any insider info that is under NDA. He is actively answering as many questions as he can, however. Here are some examples:

I chatted a bit with Andy, who is actually a guildie of mine (/namedrop), and he had the following quote for our readers:

We're really excited about our new forums on Wowhead! It gives us an excellent opportunity to converse openly with the World of Warcraft community about their thoughts on the magazine. Additionally, we'll be out there picking brains for upcoming articles (for example, our Back to Basics articles that are focused on Battlegrounds) so you could end up being in the magazine!

Plus, if you've got any questions for members of the staff, feel free to let us hear it. See you out there!