
Introducing Engadget Alt

Hello and welcome readers old and new alike. You certainly picked a good time to check in on the site, because today we're introducing a new section of Engadget known as Alt (or Whatever you want to think of it as is fine with us -- Alternative, altered, just plain alt -- the main thing you need to know is that it's a new spot on the site where we can cover content that might be a little outside of the norm for us. Content that's just hovering on the fringe of what we'd consider mainstream gadget and tech news. We're hoping to use this space to delve a little deeper into the universe of tech -- not just the gooey, gadgety core, but the satellites of policy, philosophy, art, meta content, and more. We want to not just tell the stories we normally tell on Engadget, Engadget Mobile, and Engadget HD, but to go further into what those stories mean, touch on related content that isn't just hard gadget news, and even get a up close and personal with our own (and guest writers') thoughts on the world we live in.

So, we hope you like what you see (you'll notice new articles cropping up immediately), but if you're a hardcore reader, rest assured this new content won't hit your feeds, and we won't bash you over the head with full articles in your mainstream Engadget flow. In fact, we've come up with a way of showing snippets of Alt posts clearly designated on our front page -- a method we think will make it easy to focus on main Engadget news but still be able to glance at what's happening elsewhere on the site (you can see a screen grab after the break). And don't be shy -- let us know what you'd like to see at, and how we can bring more content to the site that you want to see -- we're all ears!

Alt RSS feed -- If you want to subscribe to Alt's RSS feed, you can do it right here.
Full RSS feed -- On the other hand, if you want the full monty (AKA, all of the blogs in one big feed), you can find that right here!