
One Shots: Do a little dance

Sometimes, a little time and distance from an MMO can completely change our opinion of a game. This appears to be especially true of our readers when it comes to Age of Conan. While many may not have cared for the game at launch, the polish and care that the Funcom team have put into the game since then is often remarked on by our readers. That's why we're not surprised to see a screenshot from the tutorial like this one from Mark. As his note is a bit long, we'll simply say if you'd like to join the fun, email your images to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a note about it. Now, here's what Mark had to say:

"I had just loaded up Rise of the Godslayer and could not resist levelling a new Khitai character. While getting back into the flow of the game after nearly one year away, I started playing with the emotes to see what the new race had to offer fluff-wise. She seems to be having a good time dancing with her undead minions. Personally I think Jintana could give Lady Gaga a run for her money!"

"I had forgotten how beautiful and rich the world was in
Age of Conan. I am so glad I came back to the game after suffering from general MMO burnout. Even with loading screens now and then, it is for me the most immersive MMO I have ever played. Sometimes I can practically smell the sea air and the fires burning."