
Phat Loot Phriday: Brazier of Dancing Flames

"Dude, that's women's underwear," Throgg said. The orc rolled his massive shoulders and furrowed his ungroomed, thick unibrow. Lolegolas couldn't imagine a more perfect look for the death knight. Unibrow, drooling, and hunched over. If it weren't for the gloves Throgg wore, his knuckles would constantly bleed from scraping the ground. "That's for girls."

Lolegolas sighed. "No, Throgg. I'm sorry, I used too many syllables on you at once. I have a brazier. The Brazier of Dancing Flames, actually. It is in no way related to underwear."

"Then, if you're so smart, what does it do?"

"It's actually quite nice," Lolegolas said. "It summons a tiny elemental spirit which will perform the dance of midsummer. If you mimic that behavior, you will momentarily be transformed into a similar -- but larger! -- spirit, to join it in its revelry. It will also bow in return to you, if you bow to it. Things like that."

"What you look like when changed, little blood elf?" Throgg questioned.

"Well," sighed Lolegolas. "A flaming draenei woman, actually."

"Why do you want to look like space goat?"

"Look!" Lolegolas. "It's perfectly okay if someone just wants to feel pretty before entering a raid. And, besides, it's about celebrating Midsummer Fire Festival!"

Name: Brazier of Dancing Flame
Type: Inventory item
Attributes: Place a brazier upon the ground, where the little burning spirit will show up.
How to get it: Complete sufficient Midsummer Fire Festival activities to buy one for 350 Burning Blossoms.
How to get rid of it: You could delete it; but after all that work, you probably won't want to do so.
