
WRUP: Post-E3 edition

Here at Massively we're just about recovered from the information avalanche that WAS E3 2010. We had a great time, picked up every piece of information we could, and shared all the best MMO news with you guys. Now we've all had some time to process it and we're ready to relax and jump back into some gaming of our own!

We'll be PC gaming, console gaming, and doing the RL thing. But first, this week's WRUP question: "What was your favorite E3 announcement?" We had some answers to that question, and we're hoping you do too. Follow along after the break to see what we had to say, then it's your turn!

Beau Hindman (@spouseaggro): I will be continuing my house in WURM Online, finishing up my time with Pandora Saga, writing lots of stuff, and getting ready for my KingsIsle tour on Monday. Also, I have a small art show on Wednesday so I will be getting that ready. Woot!

Brendan Drain (@nyphur): The annual Q-Con anime and gaming convention is this weekend. I'll be trading in my MMO play time for some anime screenings, gaming and trying to chat up cosplayers. To answer the bonus question, my favorite announcement from E3 has to be the Nintendo conference games and the new 3DS. Although it's not really MMO-related, I can see a lot of potential for innovative games using that 3D feature.

Brianna Royce: I've got to get some SWG anniversary goodies. I'm also still playing Guild Wars in the evenings, and thanks to the Steam sale, I'm picking up Champs for six bucks and change to play with my regular crew when that peters out. As for droppings from E3: I'm really looking forward to SHSO and SWTOR, but my favorite new-game announcement was WH40K. I'm not a Warhammer fangirl, but I thought it looked pretty spiffy anyway!

Dan O'Halloran: Got an Xbox Slim for Father's Day and just starting to dig into Fable II, Star Wars Unleashed, Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age and walking the kids through the harder parts of LEGO Star Wars. Also, giving Allods Online a spin and a closed MMO beta I may or may not be in. I'm just saying...

Edward Marshall: I'll be playing some Fallen Earth this weekend. There are rumors of a big clan war kicking off soon between Exile and Wolves of War. Even if it doesn't I'll be doing some crafting or maybe playing Neverwinter Nights. Yes, the first one.

Eliot Lefebvre: This weekend is due for some more time in Guild Wars and City of Heroes, along with some Transformers: War for Cybertron during my offline gaming time as I practice to play that online. I'll be pretty busy, though, as we're heading out to a baseball game on Saturday evening and entertaining on Friday. No shortage of things to do!

Greg Waller: I'll be playing WAR this weekend for sure. I've been waiting for a distraction to come out but nothing is really hooking me these days. I guess I'm just that jaded. As for the bonus question: the answer is Dark Millenium, hands down. I've been hitting the Vigil Games site once a month for a year or more waiting for more info on the 40k MMO. And now I have to wait until one of the fall conventions for more info. *sad face*

Jef Reahard: Lots of Age of Conan here, as well as getting my EQII ratonga up to around 20 and started on his betrayal quest (thankfully he was created before they nerfed Qeynos and Freeport). Other than that, yard work and maybe a little PS3 Infamous action.

Jeremy Stratton: I've finally got my armor upgraded for tackling some high-level dungeons in Runes of Magic. I'll be testing the waters, to see whether I am tough enough to do regular runs through Kalin's Shrine or Cyclops Stronghold. I'll try to take a break from RoM and play more Battleforge. Apart from that, I'm re-visiting a bunch of free-to-play MMOs that I have characters in. Like checking on a cartoon you loved as a kid, I want to find out if these MMOs have withstood the test of time or not. My favorite announcement from E3? Portal 2, oh yeah! "Let's put our differences behind us, for science, you..." Oh wait. Favorite MMO announcement from E3? Probably that there's housing and crafting in SW:TOR. Didn't I already answer that?

Krystalle Voecks (@Krystalle): I'll be patching like crazy for the new installment of Choose My Adventure, mostly. If I do manage to get some free time, I'll undoubtedly be in the LEGO Universe beta, or playing some Lord of the Rings Online. Otherwise, I'll be rebuilding turfs in Turf Wars on my iPhone since gas day is coming, and I'm not going to be able to avoid getting bulldozed by higher-level players. Yay.

Larry Everett (@shaddoe): It's Empire Day on SWG! I gotza get me an AT-ST! That is all.

Patrick Mackey (@mackeypb): Fridays are as usual with my pen and paper group, but the rest of the weekend is probably also going to be doing some non-MMO stuff like playing BlazBlue and Assassin's Creed 2. Sunday is going to be some Champions get-together time. Make sure you're in the Massively channel! And my favorite announcement from E3 was Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Dante has this sweet downward airdash stuff that looks very MvC2 levels of busted. Wow. Can't wait to play it.

Ryan Greene (@thatgaynerd): I'll be selling off the last of my furniture and packing up my apartment to prepare for my move next week., so I don't know how much time I'll have for anything fun, lets alone MMOing. I'll probably squeeze in a little Warcraft to get the Midsummer Fire Festival achievement, but that's about it. As for E3, I'm with Brendan. For years now, the DS has been the only console I play regularly, so I was pretty jazzed about the 3DS. Warhammer 40K looked scrumptrulescent, though, right?

Shawn Schuster (@SSchuster): I've decided to have an MMO-less weekend with Mass Effect 2, Fable II, Red Dead Redemption and/or Dragon Age. I have yet to beat any of these, and I need to get started on that. After that, I'm thinking about getting back into Champions Online. As for the bonus question, I'll have to say the Warhammer 40k trailer, even though we didn't learn much more beyond that. There weren't really any other announcements worth noting.