
APB offers some short videos on customization

When it comes to an urban crime MMO, customization may not seem like it would necessarily be the most important aspect. However, in Realtime Worlds' upcoming urban MMO, All Points Bulletin, the team designing the game obviously felt that customization should be a huge part of the experience. Aside from having an incredibly powerful character creator that allows you to control aspects you don't normally see (like ear size), they also offer players ways to customize clothing and cars, design graffiti, and create personalized music.

We figure their thinking was that this level of customization would help to create a more realistic, immersive world. After all, with this many options, there should be much less of a chance for players to look anything like each other -- a sharp contrast to the cookie-cutter appearances created by raid gear sets in other MMOs. Besides, if you're going to be in a gang, the idea of splashing your tag all over the place -- or alternatively, creating a sign warning the gangs you're coming to get them -- seems like it would be a no-brainer thing to have in an urban game.

For those interested in seeing more details about the levels of customization available in All Points Bulletin, you can find all the shiny new videos bundled up behind the break for your ocular gratification.