
One Shots: Soylent cake

All of our readers have their favorite MMOs -- and their favorite events in those MMOs. With that said, this has to be one of the more unique event occurrences in a game we've seen to date. Today's image comes to us from Captain1nsaneo, who loves to play Sony Online Entertainment's MMOFPS, PlanetSide. Not sure what those odd things are in the foreground? We'll let him explain:

"This is from PlanetSide, the best MMOG ever made (totally unbiased). This was from an 'event' where the backpacks left behind when players died were replaced with pie, cake, or donuts depending on which faction the deceased belonged to."

Or as his PlanetSide character put it: "Sure it's made of people. But I think you're overlooking the most important fact here: it's delicious."

We love to see strange and funny things going on around the MMOGsphere. If you've captured an image of a funny moment in your favorite MMO, you should email it to us here at Be sure to include your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post it out here for everyone to enjoy, and give you the credit!