
BlizzCon 2010 virtual ticket on sale

For those unable to attend BlizzCon in Anaheim, California this upcoming October, DIRECTV will once again be broadcasting it all (mostly) live online for $39.95 USD. The virtual ticket has just gone on sale this evening so make sure you don't miss out. For you pet/mount collectors out there, this virtual ticket will get you the exclusive in-game item that BlizzCon attendees will be receiving (though we don't even know what it is yet).

Last year one of the major complaints about the online stream was the fact that many panels were delayed or possibly not even shown at all due to having only one stream available for many panels happening simultaneously, but it looks like they have a solution for that in place this year. According to the RayV page describing the virtual ticket, coverage has been expanded to four online channels offering 50+ hours of BlizzCon programming with complete coverage of panels, tournaments and announcements plus DIRECTV's own exclusive interviews. Hopefully that means you can watch the events as they unfold rather than watching them on a delay or not at all.