
Power Support Crystal Film for iPhone 4 now shipping

Power Support Crystal Film

Most (probably all) of you who are or will soon be slapping a case on your iPhone 4 won't have a case that protects the screen from scratches. Well, except those of you with flip-top cases that cover the entire unit. When I received my iPhone 4, I wanted to immediately protect the screen, but the only thing available at the time was sticky films that are either permanently affixed to your screen with adhesive, or require a lot of post-clean-up when you decide to remove or replace it.

The screen protector I really wanted was one I'd used with much success on my iPhone 3G: Crystal Film from Power Support. The most appealing thing about these is that they adhere to your iPhone's screen with static, not sticky goop, and they stay put. When you want to replace or remove the film (which you won't have to do often), it's painless.

The Crystal Film for iPhone 4 was taking pre-orders for weeks after the iPhone 4's release, but shipments have finally started going out in the past week or so. If you've been looking for a sticky-free way to protect your iPhone 4 investment, look no further.