
PlayOn's Web app brings Hulu to Mobile Safari

The good news is that PlayOn's Web app allows you to access popular Flash-based sites like Hulu and Netflix on your iPhone and (soon) your iPad. However, the bad news is that there are a whole lot of hoops to jump through before you can get there. You've got to sign up with PlayOn (a subscription service that streams online media to a variety of different places); there's a 14-day trial, but otherwise, it'll cost you around US$50 a year. In addition, you've got to have an app running that's only Windows-based in order to connect (yeah).

If you get all of that going, though, PlayOn has an HTML5-driven app online right now that will allow you to pull up content and watch it in a mobile browser. The company is still trying to hammer out an official App Store app, but all reports say that the current service works quite well. If you happen to be a PlayOn member already, and you have an iPhone (the iPad software is coming soon), that's a nice bonus for you.

Of course, Hulu Plus already has an app of its own out, and Netflix does as well, so if there's just one site that you need, there's probably an easier way to do it than running an app on a Windows PC. Still, more options are nice, and it's good to see someone trying to make some waves outside of Apple's closed App Store ecosystem.