
The Daily Quest: You guys wanna join my guild?

Here at, we're on a Daily Quest (which we try to do every day, honest) to bring you interesting, informative and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere.

I pretty much fell in love with my current guild the moment I joined it. In the six (nearly seven now, isn't it?) years I've been playing World of Warcraft, I've belonged to very, very few guilds, and there's a reason for that -- once I find one I like, I stick with it. Despite belonging to only a handful of guilds in my WoW lifetime, I've run the gamut from casual to hardcore raiding to RP to casual raiding. Each guild was run a little differently, and each guild had its own methods of recruiting. Today we've got a handful of posts about guilds:

Is there a story out there we ought to link or a blog we should be following? Just leave us a comment, and you may see it here tomorrow! Be sure to check out our WoW Resources Guide for more WoW-related sites.