
THQ's uDraw GameTablet is like a Wacom for Wii (video)

Art games on consoles tend to be unpopular creations, Mario Paint about the only one to even approach retail success, but maybe all they needed was a proper input method. That's what THQ is hoping, at least, announcing the uDraw GameTablet for the Nintendo Wii. It's a chubby, pencil-like stylus tethered to a tablet that connects wirelessly to the console thanks to the Wiimote that slots right in. The tablet comes with a drawing game called uDraw Studio, while THQ is also working on an artsy platformer called Dood's Big Adventure and a digital version of Pictionary, which could be this thing's killer app. (You can catch a glimpse of them all in action in the video after the break.) The tablet will cost $69.99 when it ships by the end of the year, while games will be a rather more affordable $29.99. THQ also promises more games to come through 2011, but we're guessing their release is somewhat contingent on just how many little Picassos find these in their stockings this holiday season.