
One Shots: Lots of space on this ship

While One Shots is normally all about the stories that can be told in just one picture, every so often we like to mix it up a bit because a particular two-picture series will convey a story far better than only one image could. Such is the case with today's Star Trek Online screenshot that's come to us from Andrew (also known as Pojoh). Since this is a one-two punch of pictoral peculiarity, we're going to turn the rest of today's column over to him. Remember if you'd like to show off what's going on in your world, just email your screenshots to us at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description. And now, a Star Trekkin' day in the life of Andrew, which continues beyond the break:

"The scene: My Ferengi Captain, Pojoh, beamed onto a Federation ship that was worse for wear. In fact the only things holding it together were the containment fields. I wanted to test the containment field -- in this case open space was on both sides of a doorway. I jumped through...."

"I landed in the middle of space!! After about 30 seconds of floating in the middle of nowhere, I was back on the ship. Funny enough, I landed on the deck BELOW the place where I started from. Space can be a cruel mistress."