
'Most' PlayStation Move demos coming to PSN after launch

It seems the various game demos contained in the $100 PlayStation Move Starter Bundle will arrive on PSN at a later date. "Most of the demos will be up after launch," noted Sony product manager Ami Sheth in the comments section of a recent Move unboxing vid post on PlayStation Blog. "Stay tuned for PlayStation store updates."

The Starter Bundle disc pack-in supposedly contains 11 demos, and Sony social media manager Jeff Rubenstein calls it "probably the best demo disc that's ever been included with any console." He also promises there'll be a video showing off that disc in the near future. We've requested a list of the demos on the disc, but for now we're eagerly anticipating what will probably be the best video showing off a demo disc ever to ship with any peripheral's marketing campaign.

We should also note that an Amazon UK listing for a similar "Move Starter Pack" indicates there are just nine demos on its included disc (which are "subject to change"), ranging from Start the Party! to Hustle Kings. Bizarrely, the product description also suggests that the Echochrome 2 and Beat Sketchers demos on the disc do not feature Move support.

Update: As commenters have pointed out, the UK bundle contains nine demos that will all be available on PSN at launch (detailed by the EU PlayStation blog), which we've listed after the break.

  • Beat Sketcher

  • echochrome ii

  • EyePet Move Edition (existing EyePet owners will be able to download a free software update on 15 September).

  • Sports Champions

  • TV Superstars

  • Start the Party

  • Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11

  • The Shoot

  • Tumble