
Video: Xbox 360's new dashboard, Avatar editor

We had a peek at the upcoming Xbox 360 dashboard update back when the Kinect beta began, but the video after the break represents one of the most detailed looks we've seen so far. Apart from some aesthetic tweaks -- dig that swirly new boot sequence -- the interface remains unchanged for the most part. There are a few additions, notably the Kinect setup area in the system options with settings for the sensor, microphone, voice recognition and something called "Kinect tuner." The new dashboard is also rocking some new sound effects and, good news for theme hoarders, it supports current NXE themes.

The video also shows off the new Avatar editor, which has seen significant visual overhaul, featuring new menus that seem designed to accept Kinect hand gestures. The background music has also been altered and is now -- dare we say it -- a little more Kondo-esque.