
One Shots: Something old, something new

There are two reasons I love writing Choose My Adventure as much as I love One Shots. The first is that I get a chance to check out games I either haven't played in a while or perhaps haven't really ever played. The second is that it gives me the opportunity to run along with Massively readers! While I haven't had a chance to group up with Joshua P. as yet, he's decided to check out Vanguard as well! He writes in to tell us more about his experience: "Well continuing on with my adventures in Telon, I decided to make a druid. Let me be the first to tell you that Ms. Sviesa Solare is not someone you want angry at you. With the power of nature at her fingertips, she will be on you with the fury of a hurricane. Though this is just one of the quests on the Isle of Dawn, and her pitiful lightning spells and poisons are only good for slaying a few Hobgoblins right now... Thanks again Massively, for making me reconsider Vanguard!"

We love to hear about the games you're playing. If you'd like to show off a moment of your MMO day, grab a screenshot and email it in to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post it out here for everyone to enjoy and give you the credit!