
TUAW TV Live: A focus on the new Apple TV

It's been out for a week, probed like a hillbilly picked up by aliens, and talked about on every Apple blog. What is it? The new Apple TV, of course.

Today's TUAW TV Live is going to focus on the newest member of the Apple family, with video highlights of the device in action. You'll be able to see how the Lowtide user interface works, view the Apple remote apps for iPhone and iPad, and see how the device settings can be configured.

Once I'm done with the video tour, you're free to ask questions, speculate on the future of the Apple TV platform, and otherwise contribute to the chat.

How do you join on the fun? From your Mac or PC, just go to the next page by clicking the read more link at the bottom of this post, and you'll find a livestream viewer and a chat tool. The chat tool allows you to join in on the fun by asking questions or making comments.

If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if someone else is doing the driving, you can watch the show on your iPhone by downloading the free Ustream Viewing Application.

iPad users haven't been forgotten, either, as you can tune in to TUAW TV Live on your iPad! That link will send you to a non-Flash page, although you won't have access to our chat tool. And one final note -- if the show has started and you're seeing a previously recorded show instead of the livestream, you can always pop on over to to join the show in progress.