
Rock Band catalog reaches 2,000 downloadable and on-disc tracks

Harmonix and MTV Games have announced that the total sum of the on-disc and downloadable songs for the Rock Band franchise has surpassed 2,000 tracks. Though these songs have been contributed by over 800 recording artists and bands, Jimi Hendrix's "Are You Experienced" was the song responsible for pushing the series' catalog past the massive milestone. We find that somewhat appropriate, as if you were to play all of the Rock Band franchise's 2,000 songs, you'd be pretty experienced at playing Rock Band.

The game's creators also appear to be experienced at making oodles of money from song downloads, as the press release announcement reveals that players have downloaded over 75 million tracks from the Rock Band Store and Rock Band Network. We'd bet dollars to donuts that at least 65 million of those downloads were of Kenny Rogers' "The Gambler." Dollars to donuts, we say!