
This is Halloween 2010

Halloween is a special time for MMOs -- more so than one might think. In the grand scheme of holidays, it's not a particularly important one, but it's a chance for developers and fans alike to indulge in some seasonal bliss amidst a backdrop of monsters and pumpkins. And considering that there aren't many MMO players who dislike dressing up and getting loot from anything, it's a perfect holiday for fans of our peculiar little hobby.

This year has been no exception to the rule. Not only have we seen a plethora of new and returning events, a couple of games that aren't even technically released yet have gotten in on the action. So click on past the break for the rundown of all the holiday events that we've covered or been notified about. You still have a little time to take part if you've been avoiding them, but hurry... these events will likely not rise from their grave again until next year.

Age of Conan's Night of Lost Souls
A trio of quests for Age of Conan offering rather macabre rewards for the players undertaking the challenge.

Aion's Harvest Revel
The sugar for this year's baked goods has been stolen! It's up to players to get it back at the behest of this year's Pumpkin Kings.

Champions Online's Blood Moon
The dead rise once again, forcing heroes of all origins to take up arms against the ghoulish armies of undead heroes and zombies.

City of Heroes' Halloween Event
The much-loved event of zombie invasions, demon portals, and a bonus costume slot returns to City of Heroes for another year.

Dungeons and Dragons Online's Endless Night
Is there anything spookier than a dragon lurking in the background? Probably not.

EverQuest II's Nights of the Dead
The dead walk once again, this time invading New Halas and offering a brand-new quest for EverQuest II players.

Final Fantasy XI's Harvest Festival
Another year of trick-or-treating in Vana'diel, complete with one of the most useful items in the entire game up for grabs.

Global Agenda's Halloween Defense Raid
A high-energy push to defend a territory complete with bonus masks for participants.

Guild Wars' Halloween Event
Mad King Thorn and treat bags abound in the newest round of Halloween in Tyria.

Lineage II's Trick or Treat Event
See the target, ask for goodies... and you shall receive indeed.

Lord of the Rings Online's Haunted Burrow
Take a trip through the haunted house of Middle-Earth and pick up more than a few souvenirs in the process.

Mabinogi's Halloween Event
Take a trip through the game while enjoying some holiday-themed questlines.

Runes of Magic's Pumpkin Festival
The second run of the Pumpkin Festival brings changes, improvements, and more treats.

Star Wars Galaxies' Galactic Moon Festival
Take a break from the hard life of the galaxy far, far away, and pretend to be a vampire for just a little while.

Super Hero Squad Online's costume event
Try on some alternate costumes for some of the game's iconic heroes.

TERA's Monster Movie
Even though TERA isn't out yet, that hasn't stopped the development team from giving us a ghoulish peek into the game.

Vanguard's Halloween Event
A celebration of the season with masks, treats, and a few familiar holiday enemies to fight.

Vindictus's Fall Fear Festival
Take on some creatures of the night and make them wish they'd never come back from beyond the grave.

Warhammer Online's Daemon Moon Rising
Don't go out tonight, for it's bound to take your life. There's a Daemon Moon on the rise.

Wizard101's Hallowe'en
Spooky Bob sends players on a romp in this family-friendly game to celebrate the season.