
SOE answers EQII server merge questions

Wondering how the upcoming EverQuest II server merge will affect your Live characters? You're not alone, and the editors at ZAM decided to collect reader questions and forward them along to SOE. The answers seemingly put to rest a lot of the typical concerns associated with merges, and SOE indicates very little hassle on the player's end.

In addition to the reader questions, ZAM also poses a number of queries, among them, whether or not the developers will be purging low-level characters as well as clarification on guild name conflicts, legacy titles, and name change reimbursements in cases of conflict. SOE states that there will be no character purges, older guilds will take priority when name conflicts arise, and players merging away from their home servers will receive legacy titles. Finally, no special rules apply for name change reimbursements, and affected players should petition their issues in the usual manner.

Check out the original article for all the details.